KILLSWITCH ENGAGE News/Vidéo "As Sure as the Sun Will Rise"

KILLSWITCH ENGAGE News/Vidéo "As Sure as the Sun Will Rise"

Nouvel album live "Live At The Palladium" via Metal Blade Records

Live At The Palladium Track Listing:


"The Signal Fire"

"Us Against the World"

"The Crownless King"

"I Am Broken Too"

"As Sure as the Sun Will Rise"

"Know Your Enemy"

"Take Control"


"I Can't Be the Only One"

"Bite the Hand that Feeds" 

"Temple From the Within"

"Vide Infra"


"Rusted Embrace"



"Numb Sickened Eyes"

"In the Unblind"

"Just Barely Breathing"

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